Who is Gail Burton


Photo by Craig Bailey, CBE Photo

Gail A. Burton grew up in East Harlem, New York City and graduated from Radcliffe College, Harvard University. She has been a member of the Medea Project Theater for Incarcerated Women in San Francisco. As a workshop leader for her New Freedwoman Project, based in Massachusetts, she has utilized spoken word and movement to support healing, sisterhood and therapeutic transformation on the journey to community re-integration with women at the Suffolk County Sheriff Department Women’s Resource Center.

Burton is a 2007 Black Butterfly Leadership Award recipient, in the category of WARRIOR, from Sister Summit and the Boston Black Pride Committee. She received the Cambridge Peace Award in honor of Muses, her first play, and the community-building and organizing activities surrounding its production, which celebrated and created positive visibility for LGBTQA communities of African descent in Massachusetts.

Burton is a facilitator for the Theater of the Oppressed Laboratory in New York City. She has studied Augusto Boal’s Image, Forum, and Rainbow of Desire theater techniques under Marie-Claire Picher, Julian Boal and Augusto Boal. She is currently on faculty at Emerson College and Roxbury Community College in Boston, MA.

Arts vitae and other photos available upon request.


On March 29th, I performed Along These Shores as a participating artist for Support Women Artists Now (SWAN) Day. Here is an interesting link to deepen our understanding about concerns of women artists from the Fund for Women Artists: http://www.womenarts.org/swan/employment.htm

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